So believe it or not, I have had a little bit of spare time over the last two days (I KNOW EH?). And when I have some spare time, I enjoy reading tips and techniques to better my photography. Upon reading PBase's latest electronic magazine (, in the Photoshopography section (Page 14 onward), there was an interesting technique by Stephen LeQuier explaining how to use the Art History Brush. It is a pretty indepth technique so I won't go into too much detail here but I decided to try it out on one of the pictures I took in Scotland. In lamens terms, the technique allows the user to "paint" over an existing image using the data and colours below it. You are essentially creating an electronic painting.
If you are into this sort of thing, I suggest you try it out. It's a pretty cool technique.
Here is my first attempt.
The Picture:
The Painting:
That is definitely a technique that I would like to get better at. I believe that a Graphics Tablet would come in real handy when trying to paint those thin edges. Of course, maybe I just picked a really difficult image for my first attempt. Oh, well, who's judging?