Friday, October 19, 2007

EuroHip 2007 Concert One : The Astoria, London, UK

The first of the four concerts I went to during EuroHip 2007 was the show at the Astoria in London. This venue has been around for quite some time and many popular bands have played there. It was very dark inside as everything was painted black. There was an upper balcony and Chris, Ben, Snoo, Matt, Emma & I stood in the front row. We had a great vantage point as you will see in the following pictures. The remainder of the gallery can be found by CLICKING HERE.

Some of my favourites are posted below.



Ben said...

Great shots, Trevor! I really enjoyed them. I'm sat at work, on a pretty dull Monday morning, listening to my recording and looking through your photos - it's certainly put a smile on my face. That was such a fun and exciting night, I'm really glad it's been well documented.


Ben said...

Great shots, Trevor. I really enjoyed them. I'm currently sat at work on a rather dull Monday morning. I'm listening to my recording and scrolling through your shots and it's really put a smile on my face. It was such a fun and exciting night. I'm glad it's been so well documented.


Anonymous said...

Trevor, your work with a camera continues to astound me, you really do have a gift for this!

Thanks for sharing these photos they just enhancde my memories of a fantastic couple of days!